ID Remarks:
with a Lecidea which seems to answer best to L. subfurva Nyl. although that has not been reported from N. Amer. I have no comparison material
W.B. Cooke; V.G. Cooke 25126
Date: 1949-04-23
Verbatim Date: 1949-4-23
United States, Idaho, Idaho, 4.8 miles south of Stites on hillside east of road
46.0406 -115.9639 +-1100m. WGS84
Verbatim Coordinates:
TRS: T.31N., R.4E., Sec. 9
Georeference Remarks:
Batched from TRS on 2015-01-05
457 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
approx. 1500 ft.
Pinus ponderosa - Agropyron-Festuca Association, Ponderosa Pine Zone. Open climax forest, west facing slope; on rocks