Lichenomphalia hudsoniana (H. S. Jenn.) Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys
Family: Hygrophoraceae
Determiner: updated with Esslinger, T.L., 2012. N.A. Lichen Checklist (v18) 13 December 2012. (2013)

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Johanna C. W. Marr S5428
Date: 1948-07-17 - 1948-07-17
Verbatim Date: 6 - 17 July 1948
Canada, Quebec, Vicinity of Chimo Air Base on Koksoak River, 35 miles south of Ungava Bay, near northern tree limit
58.116667 -68.366667
Verbatim Coordinates:
58° 7' N 68° 22' W
Record Id: a804aa40-32e0-4da6-abdc-1f96ad1559d1
Occurrence ID (GUID):