Determiner: updated with Esslinger, T.L., 2012. N.A. Lichen Checklist (v18) 13 December 2012. (2012)
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John W. Thomson 13752
Date: 1959-08-18
Verbatim Date: 1959-8-18
Canada, Quebec, Fort Chimo, Area to north settlement and on hill to northwest of airstrip, Ungava Peninsula
58.1 -68.4 +-6637m. WGS84
Georeference Remarks:
pattern: CHIMO; manually increased uncertainty radius to include surrounding area
In crevice in boulder; rock
Occurrence Remarks:
New to NA mainl.; atranorin!, usnic acid!, thiophanic acid, fatty acids -- H. Vanska1982; epithy-tarus blue with KOH! as descr. --JWT