WIS : Lichens
University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #: WIS-L-0079556
Taxon: Lecidea tessellata Flörke
Family: Lecideaceae
Determiner: J. W. Thomson (unknown)
Collector: George W. Scotter   33329   
Date: 1979-07-31
Verbatim Date: 1979-7-31
Locality: Canada, Nunavut, MacKenzie, Vicinity of Bathurst Inlet
67.233333  -107.25
Verbatim Coordinates: 67° 14' N 107° 15' W
Habitat: Lichen - Dryas heath & Carex - Eriophorum community types; shale
Owner: University of Wisconsin - Madison (WIS)
Record Id: b7649bbe-4ef4-4413-95b0-92885d3363b8
Occurrence ID (GUID): ae945375-daeb-4ce4-a983-e3b7204c4a0f
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Kenneth M. Cameron (kmcameron@wisc.edu)
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