University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #:
Taxon:Pseudevernia intensa (Nyl.) Hale & Culb. Family: Parmeliaceae
Determiner: M. Hale (not given)
Hugh H. Iltis; Robert Koeppen, Frank Iltis 1499
Date: 1960-07-12
Verbatim Date: July 12-14, 1960
Mexico, Distrito Federal, Lava fields ca. 2 Km. SWW of La Cima R.R. Station on either side of old highway 95, on top of Serjana de Ajusco. ca. 1 Km. N. of the Morelos border
19.1 -99.208333
Verbatim Coordinates:
19° 06' N 99° 12' 30" W
3109 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
10,200 ft.
Very open, frequently burned Plnus woods, with tussock grasses (Festuca, Piptochaetium, Muhlenberqia "Sacatonal") understory, on rocky lava and volcanic ash fields