WIS : Lichens
University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #: WIS-L-0106171
Taxon: Hypotrachyna enderythraea (Zahlbr.) Hale
Family: Parmeliaceae
Determiner: updated (s.d.)
Show Determination History
Collector: H. H. Iltis; C. M. Iltis   3034   
Date: 1963-01-03
Verbatim Date: 03 Jan 1963
Locality: Peru, Cuzco, Prov. Urubamba. RUINAS DE MACHU PICCHU, high above Rio Urubamba, 80 km WNW of Cuzco.
Elevation: 2500-2600 meters (8200-8528ft)
Habitat: A) Sunny lichen-covered rock walls, rock piles, terraces and cliffs at M. P. ruins. B) Weedy thickets at Hotel Turistas (Solanum spp., Triumfetta). C) Cool moist shrubby cloud forest remnants on nearly vertical rocky slopes at base of Huayna Picchu, just NW of ruins (Many ferns, lichens, Ericads, Gesneriads ).
Occurrence Remarks: [with map]
Owner: University of Wisconsin - Madison (WIS)
Owner: University of Wisconsin - Madison (WIS)
Record Id: 737f0092-8538-49b1-8930-83aae6ea2889
Occurrence ID (GUID): 17474149-d7d8-48f6-a913-69a2d802fe3a
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Kenneth M. Cameron (kmcameron@wisc.edu)
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