H. H. Iltis; C. M. Iltis, D. Ugent, V. Ugent 2549
Date: 1962-12-31
Peru, Cuzco, Prov. Urubamba. Lower end of Quebrada Pumahuanca, a deep side-valley of R. Urubamba ca. 2-4 km NW of Urubamba
-13.2 -72.05
Verbatim Coordinates:
13° 12' S 72° 03' W
3200-3600 meters
A) Wet pastured meadow along small stream, bottom of Quebrada (Juncus, Mimulus, etc.). B) Hedgerows, pastures, and thickets, bottom of Quebrada+along dirt road from Urubamba. C) Very steep, rocky, calcareous, heavily grazed SW-facing slopes with xerophytic scrub forest of spiny Salanacs, Puya sorense, Berberis boliviensis, Escallonia racemosa, Baccharis, Eupatorium spp., Cereus cuzcoensis, Solanum raphanifolium and S. canasense on paths and under shrubs.
Occurrence Remarks:
[with map]; vouauxii unknown disjecta unknown DETERMINED BY R. C. HARRIS Eastman Thin Layer Chromagram Sheet 13181, n. 564-15 Toluene-dioxane-glacial acetic acid (90:25:4) HERBARIUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN