H. H. Iltis; C. M. Iltis, D. Ugent, V. Ugent 2682
Date: 1962-12-29
Verbatim Date: 1962-12-29
Peru, Cuzco, Prov. Urubamba. Bottom of Rio Urubamba Valley at Km 56 on road Cuzco-Urubamba ca. 6 Km W of Calca (6 Km E of Yucay)
2900-3000 meters
A) Basalt cliff, very steep scree and coarse lower talus, with small trees, spiny shrubs, many cacti (Cereus cuzcoensis, Tecoma sambucifolia, Puja, Solanum spp., S. caripense, Calceolaria, Croton). B) Weeds in cornfield, hedgerow, wet pasture along river.