University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #:
Taxon:Squamacidia janeirensis var. endococcinea (Zahlbr.) Brako Family: Ramalinaceae
Determiner: Louis Brako (1990)
H. Sipman; A. Aptroot 19373
Date: 1985-02-28
Verbatim Date: 28 febr. 1985
Guyana, UPPER MAZARUNI district. Trail from Kamarang river to PwiPwi mountain, N of Waramadan, ca. 10 km N of lilaramadan. International Botanical Expedition to Guyana, Spring 1985 organized by the Institute of Systematic Botany, Utrecht, in the framework of the *Flora of the Guianas* Project. Party of S.R. Gradstein, J. Renz, H.J. Sipman and A. Aptroot.