WIS : Lichens
University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #: WIS-L-0108608
Taxon: Parmelia nairobiensis J. Steiner & Zahlbr.
Family: Parmeliaceae
Determiner: M. E. Haue
Collector: R.A. Maas Geesteranus   10272   
Date: 1949-05-03
Verbatim Date: 1949-5-3
Locality: Kenya, Central, Central Prov. Nairobi Distr., c. 5 km. W. of Nairobi, on Grevillea in a garden
-1.283333  36.8
Verbatim Coordinates: 01° 17' S 36° 48' E
Elevation: 1700 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 1700 m.
Owner: University of Wisconsin - Madison (WIS)
Record Id: a8bd2a23-8397-4f39-bf3d-7f1d5b795c62
Occurrence ID (GUID): fbdbeb1d-8b34-4c32-9798-5edb410c355e
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Kenneth M. Cameron (kmcameron@wisc.edu)
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