University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #:
Taxon:Buellia straminea Tuck. Family: Caliciaceae
Determiner: W.A. Weber & H. Beck (1983)
W.A. Weber; Hans Beck s.n.
Date: 1983-01-05
Verbatim Date: 1983-1-5
Ecuador, Galápagos, Along the shore opposite Sombrero Chino; pioneering, with Roccella galapagoensis, on semiconsolidated tufa forming a small brown cone surrounded by Pahoehoe lava
-0.36744 -90.587 +-100m. WGS84
steep face evidently saturate during the El Nino of 1982 and subject to much sliding. Thalli mostly juvenile, but dominating on the harder particles. Entire cone covered by only these two species; semiconsolidated tufa forming a small brown cone surrounded by pahoëhoë lava