University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #:
Taxon:Usnea sulcata Motyka Family: Parmeliaceae
Determiner: M. E. Hale (not given)
ID Remarks:
determiner inferred by handwriting. ! JWT 1984
Hugh H. Iltis; Rafael Guzman 29059
Date: 1984-01-01
Mexico, Jalisco, West facing mid-slopes of deep, cool valley at theadwaters of Arroyo Las Joyas, 1.5-2 km ESE of Las Joyas, 6 km SSW of El Chante
19.5875 -104.258333
Verbatim Coordinates:
19° 35' 15" N 104° 15' 30" W
1950-2200 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
West-facing cool, moist cloud forest (bosque mesofilo de montana) of Tilia mexicana (now being cut everywhere to be sent to Michoacan for guitar making), Quercus acutifolia, Q. spp., gigantic Magnolia 'schiedeana"(to 50 m tall, 15 dm dbh, many slated to be cut as veneer logs for Germany!), Cornus (C. disciflorus?), Lauraceae, with MTconia (?), Dendropanax, Smilax, Solanum spp. and Dendropanax arborea in tall understory.
Associated Species:
Quercus acutifolia, Q. spp., gigantic Magnolia "schiedeana"(to 50 m tall, 15 dm dbh, many slated to be cut as veneer logs for Germany!), Cornus (C. disciflorus?), Lauraceae, with MTconia (?), Dendropanax, Smilax, Solanum spp. and Dendropanax arborea in tall understory.