Sweden, Lule lappmark (LuL), Lule Lappmark, Jokkmokk par., S slopes of Mt Piutjapakte (Bivtjabakte) N of lake Sitojaure (Sijddojavrre), E of the sami seite. 67°18'23.0"N, 18°15'27.4"E. Note. Incorrectly reported as Aspicilia fluviatilis in Nordin, Tibcll & Owc-Larsson, Lichcnologist 43:32 (2011). Aspicilia fluviatilis is so far only known from the type locality.
67.30639 18.25761
Verbatim Coordinates:
67°18'23.0"N, 18°15'27.4"E
740 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
740 m.
in scree slope; On small siliceous boulder