University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #:
Taxon:Cladonia uncialis subsp. biuncialis (Hoffm.) M. Choisy Family: Cladoniaceae
Determiner: Walter Obermayer (2012)
Walter Obermayer 12495
Date: 2012-08-28
Austria, Steiermark (=Styria), Niedere Tauern, Seckauer Tauern, 20 km NW of the centre of Knittelfeld, Hochreichart, summit area,(grid number 8654/1)
41.363611 14.681944
Verbatim Coordinates:
41° 21' 49" N 14° 40' 55" E
alpine boulder field; on mossy layers in shaded crevices (W-exposed)
Occurrence Remarks:
Note: All issued specimens were separated from one big cushion. TLC: Usnic acid, squamatic acid, fatty acid (specimen in GZU tested); surface of central canal white powdery (UV+ white).