University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #:
Taxon:Anzia afromontana R. Sant. Family: Parmeliaceae
Determiner: R. Santesson (1990)
ID Remarks:
date very approximate
Type Status:
Rolf Santesson 22949
Date: 1971-01-07
Tanzania, United Republic of, Arusha, Mt Meru, E slope, c. 2 km N of Kitoto Camp.
-3.21667 36.78333
Verbatim Coordinates:
3°13'S, 36°47'E
2450 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
2450 m
in a high and rather dense ericaceous bush land (montane forest belt).; On Stoebe kilimandscharica
Occurrence Remarks:
Anziae americanae Yoshimura & Sharp similis sed thallus soraliis laminalibus primo punctiformibus postremo vesicu-lariformibus instructus. Thallus corticolous, loosely adnate, up to 6 cm broad, dicho-tomously branched, pale grey. Lobes narrow, linear, 0.5 - 1.5 mm broad. Soralia starting as small white points on the upper side of distal lobes, penetrating the cortex and finally forming urn-shaped structures with a sorediate inner surface. Lower side of the lobes with a brownish black to black, thick spongy cushion up to 1 mm. The spongy tissue formed by a loose reticulum of brown, 10-12 um thick hyphae. A central chondroi-dal nerve immersed in the medulla. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: atranorin and divaricatic acid.