WIS : Lichens
University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #: WIS-L-0121126
Taxon: Caloplaca polycarpoides (J. Steiner) M. Steiner & Poelt
Family: Teloschistaceae
Determiner: R. Moberg & A. Nordin (1993)
Collector: R. Moberg; A. Nordin   K7:02   
Date: 1993-06-09
Locality: Kazakhstan, Taldy-Kurgan, along the road E of Kyzylagash, km-post 340
45.4  78.9166667
Elevation: 480 meters (1574ft)
Habitat: bark
Occurrence Remarks: Lichenes Selecti Exsiccati Upsalienses #209-
Owner: University of Wisconsin - Madison (WIS)
Record Id: d2b1c167-6153-4ae1-a52d-62ed485c2059
Occurrence ID (GUID): a2c3a10b-8ee5-4ea5-9fc4-37662079684a
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Kenneth M. Cameron (kmcameron@wisc.edu)
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