Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Corcovado National Park, c. 130 km SSE of San José and 45 km WSW of Golfito (Peninsula de Osa), along trail from. Los Patos. to .Sirena Station
8.516667 -83.566667
Verbatim Coordinates:
08° 31' N 83° 34' W
50-100 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
50-100 m
lowland rain forest zone; primary forest; on leaves of Geonoma sp. (Arecaceae)
Occurrence Remarks:
The present specimens differ in several respects from typical Badimia pallidula (known mainly from tropical Australasia), e.g. their regularly verrucose thallus with large verrucae, their large, flesh-coloured to pinkish apothecia