Brazil, Pará, Caxiuana, c. 300 km W of Belém; 1°; / 51° 30' W; c, W of the Baia de Caxiuana
-1.766667 -51.5
Verbatim Coordinates:
01° 46' S 51° 30' W
25 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
25 m
tropical lowland Amazon rain forest (terra firme forest); on palm leaves in understory.
Occurrence Remarks:
Annot: Bacidia psychotriae sensu Santesson [Symb. Bot Ups. 12: 472 (1952)] is characterized by its either verrucose or smooth thallus. Examination of the type material and recent collections showed that both forms are specifically different and merit the rank of autonomous species. The verrucose form has to be named Bacidia psychotriae s. str., whereas for the form with smooth thallus, the name Byssoloma wettsteinii (Zahlbr.) Zahlbr. [Catal. Lich. Univ. 2: 571 (1923)] is provisionally reinstated [LOCKING, Lichenes Foliicoli Exsiccati, Fase. V, no. 101, and Fase