WIS : Lichens
University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #: WIS-L-0127678
Taxon: Strigula concreta (Fée) R. Sant.
Family: Strigulaceae
Determiner: R. Lücking (1992-June-00)
Collector: R. Lücking   92-5110a   
Date: 1992-06-00
Verbatim Date: 1992-6
Locality: Costa Rica, Limón, Braulio Carrillo National Park, .Quebrada Gonzales. section, 40 km NNE of San José at the highway to Limón, Atlantic slope of the Cordillera Central
10.2  -83.916667
Verbatim Coordinates: 10° 12' N 83° 55' W
Elevation: 460-480 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 460-480 m
Habitat: transition between lowland and premontane rain forest zone; primary forest along "Botarrama" trail; on leaves of Monstera tenuis (Araceae), with a thick, leathery, succulent consistency, e. g. Dieffenbachia spp., Philodendron spp., and Monstera spp., all belonging to the Araceae. Since the species of Strigula grow below the cuticle and their thallus morphology is influenced by the leaf texture
Occurrence Remarks: Annot.: Strigula concreta is characterized by a pale greyish green, effigurate thallus with narrow marginal lobes. The present specimens deviate by their bright green thalli with entire margins, the presence of whitish dots on the thallus, and by their applanate perithecia. This particular form was only, and constantly; this form is considered to be induced by the special conditions of the Aracean leaves.
Owner: University of Wisconsin - Madison (WIS)
Record Id: f38884a1-c3b0-4ba2-b07d-1d3ddf7e4e58
Occurrence ID (GUID): c92bcb8b-f3d0-4459-8c53-2908bb97883e
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Kenneth M. Cameron (kmcameron@wisc.edu)
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