WIS : Lichens
University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #: WIS-L-0131166
Taxon: Hypotrachyna dactylifera (Vain.) Hale
Family: Parmeliaceae
Determiner: H. Sipman (1998-2004)
Show Determination History
Collector: K. Kalb; G.Plobst   14075   
Date: 1978-05-13
Verbatim Date: 13. - 14. 5. 1978
Locality: Brazil, São Paulo, Serra do Mar: Serra de Paranapiacaba. 60 km southwest of Sao Paulo, above Juquitiba, on Rio Juquiá
-23.927486  -47.114276 +-3448m.
Georeference Remarks: Distance SouthWest of SÃO PAULO. On Rio Juquiba above Juquitiba
Elevation: 660-800 meters (2165-2624ft)
Habitat: In a bright humid jungle
Occurrence Remarks: Revision of Neotropical Hypotrachynae by J.A. Elix, T.H. Nash & H. Sipman, 1998-99 coll. Kalb 14071 det. H. Sipman, Berlin TLC, sample nr. H1430, pi. H96, solvent A, B, C atranorin, 5-O-methylhiascinic, tr. lecanoric, gyrophoric acids. Revision of Neotropical Hypotrachynae by J.A. Elix, T.H. Nash & H. Sipman, 1998-99 coll. ICfOj-l det/conf. H. Sipman, Berlin Hypotrachyna pluriformis (Nyl.) Hale
Owner: University of Wisconsin - Madison (WIS)
Owner: University of Wisconsin - Madison (WIS)
Record Id: 80941ac3-8828-485b-976e-feb199bc417c
Occurrence ID (GUID): 315ec76d-f29b-4821-9447-900cea56f44a
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Kenneth M. Cameron (kmcameron@wisc.edu)
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