R. B. Faden; A. J. Faden, J. Grumbly s.n.
Date: 1972-06-12
Verbatim Date: 1972-6-12
Kenya, K5, Kericho District. S. W. Mau Forest, along the Kiptiget (Chepkoisi) River, c. 16 km SSE of Kericho, from forest edge to Salt Lick Falls
-0.516667 35.3
Verbatim Coordinates:
0° 31' - 0° 31' 30" S 35° 18' - 35° 19' 30" E
1980-2020 meters
Moist montane + evergreen forest with some common trees being Albizia gummifera, Macaranga kilimandscharica, Fagara macrophylla, Syzygium guineense (riparian) , Tabernaemontana johnstonii and Croton macrostachys.