University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #:
Taxon:Tholurna dissimilis (Norman) Norman Family: Physciaceae
Determiner: Per-Jan Thoogersen (1978-07-12)
ID Remarks:
Determiner assumed to be collector, Date Approximate
Per-Jan Thogersen 0.017-1
Date: 1978-07-12
Verbatim Date: 1978-7-12
Norway, Oppland, 32V NP 573 324 Norway Oppland Ringebu: E of state road no. 220 and Trabelia. 30m from the road, E of the parkinglot
950 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
Exposed habitat in the timberline with scattered Pioea abies(L.)Karst. 2 m high.Ground slightly inclined towards the E.Vacationarea with cottages and sheeps grazing. VEG: VEG: Ground with Betula nctna L. and Juniperus oommunis; EPIPHYTIC on twigs of P. abies% from 0,2 m but mainly at 1,6 m above the ground all around the tree.With weakly developed Hypogymnia physodest