Norway, stfold, Loc: 32V PM 26.3-0.4.9 Norway Ostfold Eidsberg:W of state road 105, at Tykerud. N of old Abandoned farmhouse. by the county road to Rud.
130 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
Deciduous borderwoods in farmed level countryside. On dead, just grounded Populus tremula L. Expos.: optimum point at 40 (400). VEG: Poa nemoralis L., Prunus padus L. and Angelica sylvestris L.; Epiphytic on the stem. Taken from 5 m above the ground. With Physcia adscendens (Fr.) Oliv., Physcia stellaris (L) Nyl. and Caloplaca aurantiaca (Light f.)Th. Fr.