University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Bryophytes
Catalog #:
Taxon:Dicranum bonjeanii De Not. Family: Dicranaceae
Determiner: Frederick J. Hermann (unknown)
ID Remarks:
determination inferred from handwriting
[Unspecified] 109
Date: 1890-05-18
Verbatim Date: 1890-5-18
Canada, British Columbia, at the mouth of the Illicillaweat Cañon near Revelstoke
51 -118.12
On earth
Occurrence Remarks:
Differs from D. Labradoricum, C. Mull. (D. Grœnlandicum (Brid). Limpricht, D. tenuinere, Zett.) in the leaf-cells being greater, short rectangular and nearly uniform, the alar scarcely greater and not excavate; leaves green a little larger with quite a blunt acumen; the stems cohering and shorter. In D. Labradoricum the cells are very narrow, the alar well-defined and the leaves less blunt. The allied D. elongatum has an excurrent costa and the upper leaf-cells shorter than the lower.