University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Bryophytes
Catalog #:
Taxon:Plagiopus oederianus (Sw.) H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson Family: Bartramiaceae
Determiner: C. E. Garton (1979)
ID Remarks:
Checked: R.R. Ireland 1979
C.E. Garton 18653
Date: 1979-06-05
Canada, Ontario, Thunder Bay, 1 km. SW. of junction of Cloud Bay Rd. on Little Trout Bay Rd., 23 km. S. by SW. of Thunder Bay City, Crooks Twp.
48.066667 -89.45
Verbatim Coordinates:
48° 04' N 89° 27' W
Forming mats on ledges at base of and on small shaly cliff of Animikie shale along recently bull-dozed roadway