University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Bryophytes
Catalog #:
Taxon:Mnium marginatum (Dicks. ex With.) P. Beauv. Family: Mniaceae
Determiner: Jeff Rose (1/2015)
Without collector s.n.
Date: 1937-06-07
Verbatim Date: 1937-6-7
United States, Wisconsin, [Wisconsin River] Dells. Shaded cliffs and deep tributary gorges in the Adams and Juneau Cos. stretches, wet shaded cliffs on the Columbia Co. side.
43.644157 -89.78411 +-6230m.
Georeference Remarks:
manually placed at junction of named counties
Moist cliff and rich soil. One mile of nearly continuous, relatively low sandstone cliffs, mostly dry and sunny. Red, white, and jack pine with white birch and white cedar are abundant on the cliff edges and summit.