University of Wisconsin-Madison Herbarium, Lichens
Catalog #:
Taxon:Cladonia furcata var. racemosa (Hoffm.) Flörke Family: Cladoniaceae
Determiner: John W. Thomson (not given)
ID Remarks:
Determiner assumed to be collector; f. furcatosubulata
Maxine Hite s.n.
Date: 1956-01-25
Verbatim Date: 1956-1-25
United States, Arkansas, Washington, NORTHWEST ARKANSAS S.W. WASHINGTON COUNTY. OZARK PLATEAU: FOOTHILLS BOSTON MOUNTAINS: Cove Creek Valley, about 15 mi. S. of Prairie Grove (23 mi. SW of Fayetteville)
35.758356 -94.319083 +-2442m. WGS84
Georeference Remarks:
Pattern: distance S of Prairie Grove