Bryoria nadvornikiana (Gyelnik) Brodo & D. Hawksw.
Family: Parmeliaceae
Determiner: updated from Esslinger, T.L. Checklist of North American Lichens (v. 17, 18) (2012)
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George W. Scotter 2471
Date: 1962-08-12
Verbatim Date: 1962-8-12
Canada, Northwest Territories, Fort Smith Region, SE of Great Slave Lake, Kulthili Lake area
61.116667 -110.1
Verbatim Coordinates:
61° 07' N 110° 06' W
Mature type; on rock
Occurrence Remarks:
K-, P-; not dichotomous, sympodial-? dark rock form, TLC 176-6: barbatolic, trace of alectorialic, trace of chloroatranorin (fumar absent); PD+ yellow, K+ yellow, KC-, C-, K2 veg, GAoT veg, GE=thin, yellow lamellae square and thin at ends. TLC 101-5: two unknowns (salacinic or protocetraric?)
Record Id: 954a32ac-7ace-4e4f-8fd3-aee2e58e9a52
Occurrence ID (GUID):