Canada, Alberta, CYPRESS HILLS PROVINCIAL PARK, mi north of junction of Highway 48 and Reesor Lake Road, UTM 936533, NE7-8-2-W4, 110° 15aC? V, 40° 38
49.633333 -110.25
Verbatim Coordinates:
49° 38' N 110° 15' W; NE7-8-2-W4
Georeference Remarks:
Original Label Coordinates: 40° 38' N 110° 15' W; NE7-8-2-W4
1410-1425 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
4625-4675 ft.
1/2mi north of junction of Highway 48 and Reesor Lake Road west-facing slopes above gravel pit; on soil.