ID References:
Lichens of Mexico, 2016, Herrera-Campos, Perez-Perez, Nash III
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James L. Luteyn 3033
Date: 1972-05-26
Costa Rica, Heredia, Along the road to Laguna del Barba, pasturelands and roadsides.
2700-2800 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
2700-2800 meters
Epiphytic shrub to 2 m. Twigs and stems red. Calyx whitish-green. Corolla white at bottom and upper 1/3 plus limb and lobes. Pink in middle. Fruit cranberry-red.; on Cavendishia crassifolia
Occurrence Remarks:
atranorin in oT, no salazinic in oT, JWT 1975