Determiner: updated with Esslinger, T.L. 2016. NA Lichen Checklist Version (#21) 15 November 2016 (2017)
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H. H. Iltis; D. Ugent 2605
Date: 1962-12-19
Peru, Apurimac, Prov. Abancay. Small "chacra" (field) at km. 20 on the Cuzco road, ca. 6-7 km NNW (by air) from Abancay
3100 meters
Rock hedgerows and thickets (remnants of former Escalloni cloud forest) between fields, with heavily pollarded trees of Escallonia, shrubby Salvia, Solanum, Lycium, Calceolaria, Eupatorium, Passiflora, Bomaria, etc. Weeds in pasture and fallow vegetable garden fields.