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UW-Madison Integrated Specimen Portal

A Gateway to Biodiversity, Human, and Environmental Specimens from our Natural History Museums

Species with Images

This page provides a complete list to taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Select a species to access available images.
Chaetomella atra
Chaetomella flavoviridis
Chaetomella oblonga var. major
Chaetomella ochracea
Chaetomella perforata
Chaetomella viridescens
Hainesia borealis
Hainesia feurichii
Hainesia lythri
Hainesia rubi
Hainesia viburni
Pilidium eucleae
Pilidium fuliginosum
Pilidium graminicola
Sclerotiopsis concava
Sclerotiopsis piceana
Sphaerographium fraxini
Sphaerographium hystricinum
Sphaerographium stellatum