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UW-Madison Integrated Specimen Portal

A Gateway to Biodiversity, Human, and Environmental Specimens from our Natural History Museums

Species with Images

This page provides a complete list to taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Allantoporthe tessella
Chorostate leiphaemia
Diaporthe acerina
Diaporthe aceris
Diaporthe aculeata
Diaporthe aesculicola
Diaporthe aliena
Diaporthe aorista
Diaporthe arctii
Diaporthe asclepiadis
Diaporthe badhami
Diaporthe beckhausii
Diaporthe bicincta
Diaporthe binoculata
Diaporthe brachyceras
Diaporthe brachyceras var. viburni
Diaporthe callicarpae
Diaporthe carpini
Diaporthe caryigena
Diaporthe cercophora
Diaporthe cinerascens
Diaporthe coneglanensis
Diaporthe congener
Diaporthe conjuncta
Diaporthe controversa
Diaporthe corni
Diaporthe coronillae
Diaporthe crassicollis
Diaporthe crataegi
Diaporthe crinigera
Diaporthe cryptica
Diaporthe cydoniicola
Diaporthe decedens
Diaporthe decipiens
Diaporthe decorticans
Diaporthe densa
Diaporthe desmazieri
Diaporthe detrusa
Diaporthe dubia
Diaporthe ellisii
Diaporthe epimicta
Diaporthe eres
Diaporthe extensa
Diaporthe extensa f. pruni
Diaporthe faberi
Diaporthe fallaciosa
Diaporthe fibrosa
Diaporthe fuchsiae
Diaporthe hranicensis
Diaporthe hydrangeae
Diaporthe hystrix
Diaporthe idaeicola
Diaporthe impulsa
Diaporthe inaequalis
Diaporthe incarcerata
Diaporthe innesii
Diaporthe insignis
Diaporthe insularis
Diaporthe juglandina
Diaporthe juglandis
Diaporthe laschii
Diaporthe lebiseyi
Diaporthe leiphaema
Diaporthe leiphaemia
Diaporthe ligustri
Diaporthe ligustri-vulgaris
Diaporthe linearis
Diaporthe lirella
Diaporthe longirostris
Diaporthe ludwigiana
Diaporthe magnoliae
Diaporthe malbranchei
Diaporthe marginalis
Diaporthe megalospora
Diaporthe microstroma
Diaporthe nidulans
Diaporthe niesslii
Diaporthe nigrella
Diaporthe nigricolor
Diaporthe nivosa
Diaporthe obscura
Diaporthe oncostoma
Diaporthe ontariensis
Diaporthe orthoceras
Diaporthe ostryigena
Diaporthe oxyspora
Diaporthe parasitica
Diaporthe pardalota
Diaporthe patria
Diaporthe phaseolorum
Diaporthe pithya
Diaporthe protracta
Diaporthe pruni
Diaporthe prunicola
Diaporthe pulla
Diaporthe pusilla
Diaporthe pustulata
Diaporthe putator
Diaporthe pyrrhocystis
Diaporthe quercus
Diaporthe recedens
Diaporthe resecans
Diaporthe retecta
Diaporthe revellens
Diaporthe rhamnigena
Diaporthe rhoina
Diaporthe robergeana
Diaporthe robusta
Diaporthe rudis
Diaporthe ryckholtii
Diaporthe salicella
Diaporthe sarothamni
Diaporthe sarothamni var. baccharidis
Diaporthe sociata
Diaporthe sojae
Diaporthe sorbicola
Diaporthe sordida
Diaporthe spiculosa
Diaporthe spina
Diaporthe spina var. apiculata
Diaporthe spinosula
Diaporthe stictostoma
Diaporthe strumella
Diaporthe strumella var. longispora
Diaporthe subcongrua
Diaporthe sulphurea
Diaporthe syngenesia
Diaporthe taleola
Diaporthe tessella
Diaporthe tessera
Diaporthe thelebola
Diaporthe tiliacea
Diaporthe transiens
Diaporthe transversalis
Diaporthe tuberculosa
Diaporthe umbrina
Diaporthe velata
Diaporthe vepris
Diaporthe verecunda
Diaporthe viticola
Diaporthe wibbei
Diaporthe woolworthii
Diaporthopsis apiculosa
Diaporthopsis appendiculata
Diaporthopsis sclerophila
Mazzantia galii
Mazzantia sepium
Phomopsis achilleae
Phomopsis aesculana
Phomopsis ailanthi
Phomopsis allamandae
Phomopsis alnea
Phomopsis ampelopsidis
Phomopsis arctii
Phomopsis arecae
Phomopsis asteriscus
Phomopsis aucubae
Phomopsis callistephi
Phomopsis calystegiae
Phomopsis camelliae-japonicae
Phomopsis canadensis
Phomopsis caraganae
Phomopsis carnea
Phomopsis citri
Phomopsis clarkiae
Phomopsis coneglanensis
Phomopsis cordifolia
Phomopsis coronillae
Phomopsis crataegicola
Phomopsis cryptica
Phomopsis cuscutae
Phomopsis denigrata
Phomopsis depressa
Phomopsis diachenii
Phomopsis dominici
Phomopsis durandiana
Phomopsis elasticae
Phomopsis epicarpa
Phomopsis eryngiicola
Phomopsis fatsiae-japonicae
Phomopsis fibrosa
Phomopsis filicina
Phomopsis foveolaris
Phomopsis fuchsiae
Phomopsis genistae-tinctoriae
Phomopsis gnomoniae
Phomopsis gomphocarpi
Phomopsis hieracii
Phomopsis importata
Phomopsis incarcerata
Phomopsis jasmini
Phomopsis juglandina
Phomopsis juniperovora
Phomopsis kalmiae
Phomopsis lactucae
Phomopsis lantanae
Phomopsis laurina
Phomopsis lavaterae
Phomopsis lebiseyi
Phomopsis leptostromiformis
Phomopsis liatridis
Phomopsis ludwigii
Phomopsis lysimachiae
Phomopsis mali
Phomopsis malvacearum
Phomopsis mazzantioides
Phomopsis missouriensis
Phomopsis myricariae
Phomopsis nidulans
Phomopsis oblita
Phomopsis oblonga
Phomopsis occulta
Phomopsis oncostoma
Phomopsis opulana
Phomopsis oxalina
Phomopsis parabolica
Phomopsis pardalota
Phomopsis piceae
Phomopsis pimpinellae
Phomopsis pinophylla
Phomopsis pseudacaciae
Phomopsis pseudotsugae
Phomopsis pulla
Phomopsis pustulata
Phomopsis putator
Phomopsis quercella
Phomopsis quercina
Phomopsis revellens
Phomopsis rhodotypi
Phomopsis rhois
Phomopsis ribesia
Phomopsis robergeana
Phomopsis rosae
Phomopsis rudis
Phomopsis salicina
Phomopsis samarorum
Phomopsis sambucella
Phomopsis sambucina
Phomopsis sarothamni
Phomopsis saxegothaeae
Phomopsis schoenocauli
Phomopsis scobina
Phomopsis seposita
Phomopsis sojae
Phomopsis sorbina
Phomopsis sordidula
Phomopsis spiraeae
Phomopsis subordinaria
Phomopsis thalictri
Phomopsis thujae
Phomopsis tinea
Phomopsis velata
Phomopsis veronicae-speciosae
Phomopsis vexans