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UW-Madison Integrated Specimen Portal

A Gateway to Biodiversity, Human, and Environmental Specimens from our Natural History Museums

Species with Images

This page provides a complete list to taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Chaenothecopsis amurensis
Chaenothecopsis asperopoda
Chaenothecopsis consociata
Chaenothecopsis debilis
Chaenothecopsis fennica
Chaenothecopsis golubkovae
Chaenothecopsis haematopus
Chaenothecopsis hospitans
Chaenothecopsis irregularis
Chaenothecopsis kalbii
Chaenothecopsis lecanactidis
Chaenothecopsis lignicola
Chaenothecopsis nana
Chaenothecopsis nigropedata
Chaenothecopsis ochroleuca
Chaenothecopsis parasitaster
Chaenothecopsis pilosa
Chaenothecopsis pusilla
Chaenothecopsis pusiola
Chaenothecopsis rubescens
Chaenothecopsis sanguinea
Chaenothecopsis savonica
Chaenothecopsis subparoica
Chaenothecopsis subpusilla
Chaenothecopsis tasmanica
Chaenothecopsis ussuriensis
Chaenothecopsis vainioana
Chaenothecopsis viridialba
Chaenothecopsis viridireagens
Mycocalicium albonigrum
Mycocalicium americanum
Mycocalicium americanun
Mycocalicium anomalum
Mycocalicium calicioides
Mycocalicium fuscipes
Mycocalicium parietinum
Mycocalicium pusiolum
Mycocalicium subtile
Phaeocalicium asciiforme
Phaeocalicium betulinum
Phaeocalicium boreale
Phaeocalicium compressulum
Phaeocalicium curtisii
Phaeocalicium pinaceum
Phaeocalicium polyporaeum
Phaeocalicium populneum
Phaeocalicium praecedens
Phaeocalicium tibellii
Stenocybe major
Stenocybe pullatula
Strongyleuma koerberi