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UW-Madison Integrated Specimen Portal

A Gateway to Biodiversity, Human, and Environmental Specimens from our Natural History Museums

Species with Images

This page provides a complete list to taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Select a species to access available images.
Sphagnum acutifolium
Sphagnum affine
Sphagnum africanum
Sphagnum alegrense
Sphagnum andersonianum
Sphagnum angermanicum
Sphagnum angustifolium
Sphagnum annulatum
Sphagnum aongstroemii
Sphagnum auriculatum
Sphagnum australe
Sphagnum balticum
Sphagnum bartlettianum
Sphagnum brachybolax
Sphagnum capillaceum
Sphagnum capillifolium
Sphagnum carolinianum
Sphagnum centrale
Sphagnum compactum
Sphagnum contortum
Sphagnum cuspidatum
Sphagnum cuspidatum var. cuspidatum
Sphagnum cuspidatum var. serrulatum
Sphagnum cyclophyllum
Sphagnum fallax
Sphagnum fimbriatum
Sphagnum fitzgeraldii
Sphagnum flavicomans
Sphagnum flexuosum
Sphagnum fuscum
Sphagnum girgensohnii
Sphagnum henryense
Sphagnum imbricatum
Sphagnum imbricatum var. affine
Sphagnum inundatum
Sphagnum jensenii
Sphagnum junghuhnianum
Sphagnum lenense
Sphagnum lescurii
Sphagnum lindbergii
Sphagnum macrophyllum
Sphagnum macrophyllum var. floridanum
Sphagnum macrophyllum var. macrophyllum
Sphagnum magellanicum
Sphagnum majus
Sphagnum mendocinum
Sphagnum meridense
Sphagnum microporum
Sphagnum molle
Sphagnum obtusum
Sphagnum orientale
Sphagnum palustre
Sphagnum papillosum
Sphagnum papillosum var. intermedium
Sphagnum perichaetiale
Sphagnum platyphyllum
Sphagnum portoricense
Sphagnum pulchrum
Sphagnum pylaesii
Sphagnum quinquefarium
Sphagnum recurvum
Sphagnum recurvum var. tenue
Sphagnum riparium
Sphagnum rubellum
Sphagnum rubroflexuosum
Sphagnum russowii
Sphagnum sparsum
Sphagnum squarrosum
Sphagnum strictum
Sphagnum subfulvum
Sphagnum subnitens
Sphagnum subobesum
Sphagnum subsecundum
Sphagnum subsecundum var. rufescens
Sphagnum subtile
Sphagnum tenellum
Sphagnum tenerum
Sphagnum teres
Sphagnum torreyanum
Sphagnum trinitense
Sphagnum warnstorfii
Sphagnum wilfii
Sphagnum wulfianum