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UW-Madison Integrated Specimen Portal

A Gateway to Biodiversity, Human, and Environmental Specimens from our Natural History Museums

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Anthropology, Biological (UWAC-Biological)

The Department of Anthropology curates more than 1,000,000 archaeological artifacts, biological anthropological specimens, ethnographic objects, and related archives such as photographs, slides, paper documents, maps, and film.
Contact: Elizabeth Leith (
Home Page:
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 24 June 2020
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights:
Collection Statistics
  • 3,607 occurrence
  • 0 georeferenced
  • 3,166 (88%) identified to species
  • 26 families
  • 26 genera
  • 21 species
  • 21 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Family Distribution
Click on the occurrence record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that family
  • Aotidae (3)
  • Atelidae (3)
  • Callitrichidae (4)
  • Canidae (1)
  • Castoridae (2)
  • Cebidae (11)
  • Cercopithecidae (54)
  • Cervidae (2)
  • Cheirogaleidae (2)
  • Daubentoniidae (2)
  • Felidae (1)
  • Hominidae (3444)
  • Hylobatidae (6)
  • Indriidae (4)
  • Lemuridae (2)
  • Lorisidae (3)
  • Oligopithecidae (3)
  • Parapithecidae (4)
  • Plesiopithecidae (1)
  • Proconsulidae (2)
  • Procyonidae (3)
  • Propliopithecidae (8)
  • Proteopithecidae (1)
  • Tarsiidae (2)
  • Tupaiidae (2)
  • Ursidae (2)